BG Universal Synthetic Power Steering Fluid designed for all power steering units and is compatible with all mineral-based fluids. It may also be used in vehicle systems performing level control, hydro pneumatic suspension, OR shock absorption functions. Offers superior performance in extreme temperatures, especially cold weather climates.
It does not appreciably thin when hot not thicken when cold. Range op operation -50°F (-46°C) to 275°F (135°C). Special anti-wear agents help prevent wear in the spool valve housing and other components. Hard working anti-oxidants fluid breakdown and extend the useful life and lubricity of the fluid. Keeps seals pliable and reduces heat and foam. Meets or exceeds OEM power steering fluid performance for GM, FORD, Chrysler and most important automobiles and light duty trucks.
Part Number: 334M
Quantity: 1.8 L
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